Mini Preserved Rose In Glass Dome
Mini Preserved Rose In Glass Dome is the mini version of the preserved rose In glass dome. It is an amazing gift for any special occasion! Gifting this enchanted rose that is a representation of your eternal love for them. Both products come in a variety of colours and are made from a high-quality natural rose.
To preserve your rose, we used a non-volatile organic solution to maintain its natural posture and achieve a long-term lifespan without wilting away. This gift is perfect for Valentine's day and as it is coming up, get this as a present before it's too late!
*keeps fresh for up to 5 years
- Type: Beauty and the Beast Enchanted Rose
- Material: Plastic/Real Rose + Glass
- Color : Red/Blue/more colors
- Item Size : 6.49 * 10.43 in / 6.61 *10.83 in (W*L)
- Package: 1* Rose Glass Dome (Battery not included)